
Friday, August 26, 2011


 "School is overrated"- a professor that should remain anonymous

In the article below, a tech mogul pays graduating students not to directly go to college. When you think about some of the richest people on the planet you quickly realize that he might not be that far off from the truth.

School is training of how to learn how to learn.  It forces students into memorizing, reading, reviewing, performing, and lastly testing oneself.  Not bad!

So why delay it?  Schools lack tying the current learning to executing.  Imagine if you took a math course.  Often this is just a requirement.  Most students are not passionate about the subject.  However, suppose you had a problem that you needed solved and you knew that by taking this math course you will be able to do so.  Your attitude would completely change.  You would sit at the edge of your seat looking for the nugget that would help you.

This is why it makes sense to have a project that you are working on before you start learning the tools to complete it.  The key part is you are "working on it".  You can't just imagine it and then take the class.  Having worked with it gives you insight into what you are missing

Today's question is:

"Have you ever struggled with something and then got the training?"

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