
Sunday, October 14, 2012

365QOD- Day617

"What makes an idea 'dangerous'? One factor is an imaginable train of events in which acceptance of the idea could lead to an outcome that only recently has been recognized as harmful' - What is your Dangerous Idea book

I have read a part of this book.  It is based on collection of essays on the topic of what makes an idea dangerous.

I believe that we tend to live very boring lives.  We tend to settle way too much.  Rarely do we just rock the boat because we are afraid we will not like the results.

BUT so what?  Does being afraid take away the fear?  No it does not.  In my experience the only way to get rid of a fear is to move towards it.  The feeling of comfort might never come BUT your fear will be removed.
In an early post I talked about how I used this idea to eliminate the fear of getting in front of large groups.

I think that we need to entertain more dangerous ideas and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Today's question is:
"What is your dangerous idea?"

1 comment:

  1. My dangerous idea at the moment is writing a book.
