
Monday, August 22, 2011


"Align your inner vision with your outer work." —Martin Ping #99conf

It is not uncommon that the things we want on the inside and what we are doing on the outside do not match.  When this happens we create a gap.

Unless the gap is closed, pain moves in.  It could be that we are out of balance by placing so much emphasis on one aspect of your life and ignoring another.  In a past post I wrote about life management as a Chinese acrobat balancing many plates. (What are your plates?)  Any one of them can be ignored for a bit BUT not for too long.  The plate will fall and might potentially get damaged.  You are getting a result that you do not wish to have.

Often when the gap is ignored one needs to spend a lot of time trying to get the plate moving while making sure another one does not fall.  This is difficult to accomplish.

Today's question is:

"Where is your biggest gap?"

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