
Sunday, September 18, 2011


Conquer Luck Excusitis... Accept the law of cause and effect.
Take a second look at what appears to be someone's 'good luck'.
Physical laws, not luck determine the bounce of the ball. 
The that's the way-the-ball bounces approach teaches us nothing- David Schwartz

A long time ago my son, Milan, was acting out.  I asked him to stand in front of me.

Next, I asked him if he could make the biggest smile anyone has seen.  He did.  I asked him if he could make the meanest scariest face he could.  He did.

Lastly, I asked him, "Who made the faces?"  He said that he did.  I asked him if I could mke him make those faces.  He said no.

I believe that day he learned about intrinsic motivation.

Today's question is:
"Who's making you do things?"

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