
Monday, January 2, 2012


"What makes a good business book stand out from all the others?
The best books always give us an opportunity to organize our experiences--to take what we know and give it shape and meaning and context. I've always said that we are all experience-rich and theory-poor. And to me the point of business books is to remedy that problem."- Malcolm Gladwell interview by Kevin Ohannessian(link is below)

A few post ago I wrote about So what? moments and stopping to think about what the meaning of those 5 posts is to you.  When I read the interview that Malcolm did, the line that we are all experience-rich and theory-poor stood out. 

This is another way of saying we read, do, and experience things BUT we do not always understand them(theory-poor).

Today's question is:
"When you are confronted by different sources telling you the same, how do you make yourself believe the information?"

P.S.  The link to the interview is

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