
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


"The only time teammates seem to approach him at this point is when they begin to the see the end of their own careers. He recognizes the look in their eyes, the panic that comes from facing a truth that they won’t be able to do the only thing they have known. They have heard the same stories all football players hear, that the first two years after football are the worst, and they wonder how Williams has peace. They wonder if they can handle what is about to happen.

“I don’t feel [the fear],” Williams says. “I was talking to my doctor about this the other day. And because I have found something that I love and that I want to do when I’m done I’m sure I’m going to miss it, but because I’ve been able to look that monster in the face I’ll be better prepared. Some people are afraid of it so they try to delay it as long as they can.”- Yahoo story

I read a story about Terrell Owens today and was reminded of this quote.  In the story, he is described as someone who earned close to 80 million dollars and now has financial troubles.  His monthly child support alone is around 50k.  He did not spend money crazily but made many bad investments.  So now out of football he is struggling.  He can not move on to the next phase of his life.

Ricky Williams was also very destructive in his life but it seems like he has turned it around.  He even returned to football after being kicked out for drug abuse.  It seems as if he is in peace with himself.  Without that peace he would not be able to come back.

Today's question is:
"What are you transitioning to?"

Ricky's story can be found at

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