
Thursday, February 10, 2011

365QOD- Day10

"70% of people who leave a job on their own terms make more money.  70% of the ones that are let go make less"  - Source Unknown

I used this quote in the last post.  I would like to add to it.  In my opinion, often times people feel stuck with their plan A because of two things:

          1.  F U diploma    (pardon the French usage)
and    2.  F U money

A lot of people that have money BUT do not have a diploma and possibly could not land a job doing exactly what they are doing for even anything close to their current pay.  So they are stuck.

College grads often have a wonderful education BUT lack the money to be able to walk away from a situation. So they are also stuck.

From these examples it is obvious that one must have both in order to feel like they have the ability to walk away from an unhealthy stressful situation.  Having both enables one to feel free and to be able to say F U to a situation if it comes to that. 

Today's question is:
"Which one are you missing and what is your plan to get it?"

P.S the KaChing book is where I got the idea for starting this blog.

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