
Friday, February 25, 2011


"Things that are easy to do are also easy not to do"- Jim Rohn

During the last year Jim Rohn passed away.   If you take the time to go to Youtube and listen to some of his wisdom, you will be blown away.  Jim Rohn had a way of placing great wisdom into simple to understand statements.  He served as a great influence to many people in the self-help industry.

I admired Jim because if I ever needed a jolt of common sense I can listen to him speak or read one of his books.  Unfortunately, I never saw him live.

When I look at the people around me I see anyone like Jim Rohn.  There are a few successful folks who are very knowledgeable but Jim also was inspirational.  It would be easy to say that because I am where I am there might be no mentors available.  This would be an easy thing to say.  An alternative would be to pick up a book on a subject on which I need to work on and let the writer be my mentor.  There are infinite mentors in my local library.  And the funny thing is if they do not have it they will order it. 

So the easy thing to do is to say I don't have access to them BUT it is just as easy to go and pick up a book. The reverse side of Jim's quote is things that are not easy to do are also as easy to do.  He also said that, "You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight."

Today's question is:
What is the one thing that is easy that you will not do BUT IF you did will make a difference?

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