
Saturday, February 19, 2011


"As is a tale so is life, it is not how long it is but how good it is"-Seneca

Seneca's wise words urges one to focus on quality instead of quantity.  It is not uncommon to hear of a  young person passing away and being remembered for years.

In order to live the quality life we have to start by managing our energies.  Most people manage time but one quickly learns that all kinds of issues can completely throw one off their "plan".  So how does one find the balance?

The only book I know of that discusses managing one's energy is the book by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz.  In it they break life management into managing Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual dimensions of one's life.  To find that balance that everyone is looking for one needs to manage these energies and the time piece will fall into place.  Let me give you an example.

Suppose you have signed up for a class.  The class meets once a week for 4 hours with a 30 min break in the middle.  You put it on your schedule.  You. have been going for a few weeks and enjoy the course.  However, just before class you get in an argument with your significant other.  You come to class all angry.  Mentally you are not ready to learn.  Emotionally you are still dealing with the argument.  Physically you sit there BUT you fidget the whole time.  A few time you think to yourself Oh God this can't be happening to me...

So you made a commitment to be there for four hours.  For the first hour or two you are there but you are not there.  You managed your time because you showed up but your energy was elsewhere.  In reality you were at best only 50% there.

Today's question is:
"How balanced is your life?"

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