"Question: How do you eat an elephant?
Answer: One byte at a time" - Anonymous
Several years ago I listened to an interview show on C-SPAN. In the show Brian Lamb interviewed a prolific author. The author wrote history books.
The interviewer asked how he wrote so much. I have never forgotten the response. The author said that he lived in Alabama. His house was away from the road. On his property he kept animals. His favorite thing to do is to tend to his animals.
So everyday the author woke up and before he can do his favorite thing he would sit down on his porch and write five pages. Until he had written five pages he could not get up and tend to his animals.
WOW! If he did this 365 days a year that would amount to 1825 pages per year. No wonder he was a prolific writer. He forced himself to do the hardest work first before he began his day.
As Brian Tracy would call it ... He ate his frog. In this little book he advises that we tackle the most difficult task, our frog, first thing before we do anything. After all we do have the most energy first thing in the morning.
Today's question is:
What is the frog that you will eat today?
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