
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


"Prosperity is a Latin word, it means 'to be in the flow'.  And everyone of us in the flow when we are thinking right, talking right, acting right, and living right.  We get the right results, right here, and right now.  

And when you think negatively, you're into immobilization.  

When you are thinking positively and correctly, you are into immobilization and start taking right action to get right results!"- Mark Victor Hansen

I believe that the idea of flow is critical to understand.  When searching for a passion one needs to identify the last time one felt in the 'flow'.  This is a time when time just flowed and you did notice that hours have passed yet you felt full of energy.  Think of your last two weeks specifically and identify times when this felt true. If you have not felt it during the last two weeks then go back farther but note that it might be a weaker signal.

I do agree that when in flow you are thinking right, talking right, acting right, and living right.  Everything just clicks.  I have found that in my life when working on creative tasks I enter the state of flow.  It can be at home, at work, and even just running.

Today's question is:
"Are you in the flow?"

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