
Monday, November 14, 2011


"Gloria Mark, a professor found out that technology workers who she studied would make it only 11 minutes into a project before being distracted.  It then took 25 minutes to return to the task post-distraction"

A recently read an article called A Day without Distraction: Lessons learned from 12 hours of forced focus by Cal Newport.  The quote above was a part of the article.

I took a spreadsheet and made it count by minutes for a two hour block and a three hour block.  I figured most people either worked 8 hours or 9 hours per day for which they get paid. 

If you use the facts that she discovered(11 minutes of work followed by 25 minutes f non-productive work) and assume that the interruption is so brief, maybe a minute at best, the results are scary.  I determined that in a two hour block an employee is productive only 33 minutes.  For a three hour time block they were only 44 productive minutes. 

In an average 8 hour day(4 two hour blocks) we average 132 minutes or productive time.  For a 9 hour day (3 three hour blocks) we average 132 minutes.  It makes no difference whether we are working 8 or 9 hours.  the total output is 132 minutes.  SCARY!  Again this is on the generous side because the interruptions only took a minute to address. 

Today's question is:
"What is your strategy to maximize your 132 minutes?"

1 comment:

  1. Your blog was part of the distractions of my day! Just thought you'd like to know.

    When are you coming back to Northwest Indiana? My circulation stats have seen a sharp decline since you left! =)
