
Tuesday, November 22, 2011


"It all follows the 80/20 rule"- my response to a medical problem

I recently spoke with a young woman I know about her medical problems.  The discussion was about whether most medical problems were based on heredity or nutrition.

I believe the 80% is heredity and 20% is from the inputs that we provide.  We tend to me very abusive to our bodies.  It is amazing that we last as long as we do. 

This past Saturday I ran 13 miles with my running partner.  My weight was down to 207.  I have been as heavy as 265 in my life.  I work out most days of the week(either with weights or short runs) but my weight is not plummeting.  I eat mostly fruits for breakfast, salads for lunch, and whatever is in front of me for dinner. So why is my weight not dropping like a rock. 

The obvious answer is the "whatever is in front of me".  I am not controlling what I eat at dinner and during the day I snack of a few sweets.  I got to figure out a way to stop eating sweets.  I lose about 100 calories from running 10 minutes.  However, I easily gain a couple of hundred calories by eating one candy bar.  It is about communicating with yourself.  I need to do a better job of that.

Today's question is:
" How do you control the 20%?"

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