
Thursday, April 5, 2012


"Mistakes are simply data" - Josh Linkner blog

I read this post  The Dirty Little Secret of Overnight success today.  In it Josh makes the statement above. 

As I have said before when talking about my book The Result you always get a result.  This quote game me another way to phrase it.  The result is simply data.  Don't read too much into it and try to get a better result.

Never be afraid of a result- good or bad.  It is simply data...

Another quote I got from his post is:
"the ubiquitous WD-40 lubricant got its name because the first 39 experiments failed.  WD-40 literally stands for 'Water Displacement- 40th attempt" 

Maybe we should number our results in order to keep track of how many times we have made an attempt?  Maybe this will clue us in not believing that we have tried something a million times.

Today's question is:
"Do you number your results?"

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