
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


"You do not know anything until you have actually done it"- a comment made to me

A few years ago I wrote a book on ETF trading.  I never published it but simply used portions of it to teach MBA courses on how to invest.  It was fun to see the students apply the knowledge I was passing on to trade ETFs.

I wrote about it, taught it, so I must know it? Well, there is a difference between theory and practice.  In theory I know everything that is to ETFs.  Well maybe most things I I needed to know.

However, when I actively started to trade I quickly learned that I knew what to do but my execution sucked.  Of course I thought it was the brokerage company.  Maybe it was lack of real time data.

Nope it was me.  Until I started to actually do it a lot, I did not know the many little steps that I failed to absorb and apply. 

Today's question is:
"What do you know in theory BUT would have a difficult time applying?"

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