
Thursday, April 26, 2012


"Shazam!"- app name

I can't stop saying that out loud.  I downloaded this app a couple of weeks ago and have just fallen in love with it.

Man it used to bug me that when a song was playing and I had no clue what it was that I could not figure it out.  No more!  Now I just tag it.

It allows me to immediately know what the song is.  In a second or two.

I can not help but think that anytime we are bugged by something that there is a business idea behind it.  What other information do I crave instantly?  Name of a person in front of me that I have met but can not remember.  I can see the meeting time and place but their name escapes me.   Is there an app for that?  Hummm...

Today's question is:
"What is bugging you that an app could fix?"

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