
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

365QOD- Day606

"Dis-connected" - title of a Sunday Morning story

The story I watched this morning was very informative.  It talked about how with smart phones we are tending to text more and communicate less.  We tend to spend more time looking down at a screen and less time communicating with the people next to us.

The world we live in is changing drastically fast.  The communication models we used before are changing and at times might not serve us.  Who would have thought that Twitter will survive and throve?  I believe that we tend to get information is very small bytes.

If my theory is correct then someone will publish a book one paragraph at a time.  Hum?  Yup, if you can write it in a byte sizes and make those irresistable then you will succeed.  I do believe it will be tough to pull it off.

One other part of the story that was disturbing was that 70% of people could not stop using their smart phone for one day.  One day!  We are addicted and without the phone we will feel disconnected.  So we want to connect to people by disconnecting from them through a device. 

Today's question is:
"Could you do without your smart phone for a day, a week, a month?"

The story can be found at;SunMoLeadHero

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