
Friday, October 12, 2012

365QOD- Day615

"Money can not buy class but it can buy you #$%" - Real Wives of Miami

Money is a great lubricator.  It can make one's life smooth.  It can make you invincible.  But it could also lead to a great big fall.  The fall is often due to believing that you are better than others.  Leading you to believe that you can not fail.  Then WHAM! You get knocked down.

So how can one prevent this from happening? Periodically take a look at your traits.  Brutally take a look at them and see if they are serving you or you them.  If you get in a habit of doing this then when you get to a new level in pay you will not change.

I am a firm believer in treating everyone as if they matter.  The cleaning ladies that come in at the end of the day are just as important as others.  Everyone has their job.  Trust me that if the grabage does not get picked up for one day I know it.

Today's question is:
"Are your traits serving you or you them?"

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