
Thursday, October 11, 2012

365QOD- Day614

"Before your hands can learn how, your heart must learn how" - Edna Adan Somalia midwife teacher

I watched a story on PBS the other day that broke my heart.  It was a story about how young girls around the world abused physically through female genetilia mutilation(FGM), prostitution, etc. It was hard to watch and after one half hour I had to turn the channel. 

In the story about FGM older muslim women in Africa take multiple girls in a room where they cut their labias and clitorus.  Then they saw them back and leave an eraser size hole.  The young girls legs are tied and they are left in a hut for a week to urinate and shit on themselves.  (Edna was a women who was fighting against this practice. )

When the little girls grow up they never enjoy sex because their organs are deformed.  During birth they rip because the muscles are not elastic and often die at a higher rate than women around the world. Pretty sick.

What benefit do the men get?  They have control.  Without performing the mutilation they are controlling the women.  Sick!

I might seem judgemental but I am sad.  The same mutilation occurs all over the world to little boys when they are circumsized upon birth and no one is protesting.  Just as sick!

Today's question is:
"What disturbs you?" 

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