
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

365QOD- Day612

"I am grateful for the journey I took" - Angela Rye on CSPAN

I love this statement.  How many of us could make it?  Often we focus on one area of our life that is currently going wrong instead of looking at all of the pieces in our lives that are going well. 

I believe that being able to stand back and look at the total journey is a very powerful thing to do.  Take a piece of paper and map our your life journey from the beginning till now.  There will be valleys and hills.  But one thing I can guarantee you is that often the biggest peaks came after the lowest points in your life. 

Why? I do not know but I do know that it does hold true for my life.  Have I enjoyed the journey?  Would I change anything?  Maybe a few tweeks along the way would have made the journey smoother. BUT the big question is would I be the person I am today if I had taken those?  For me the answer is no.

Today's question is:
"If you eliminated the large mistakes in your life, would you be a better than the person you are today?"

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