
Saturday, October 20, 2012

365QOD- Day623

"What determines whether people see a glass as half full or half empty is mood rather than fact, and a change in mood often defies quantification.  But it is not exotic.  It is concrete.  It can be defined.  It can be tested.  And it can be exploited for innovation opportunity"- Inventor's Cookbook by Steven Johnson

I always that that it is not the glass that is half-full or half-empty but just not big enough.  Why?  Because I know for a fact that there is always a glass bigger than the one I currently own.

Consider a car.  I have a mid size SUV.  There exist larger more powerful SUVs.  I have a back back that fits my laptop and a couple of books.  I used to have one that could fit two laptops.  And so on..

So how do you move people towards the innovation opportunity?  By getting them to understand that the opportunity is worth exploiting and pursuing.  We happen to live during a stretch of time when the exploration of new ideas is very in-expensive.  Unless you are going to build a large business you can make your idea 'concrete', test it, and prove to yourself that it is worthwhile to continue with exploiting it.

I do believe that the size of the economic pie is infinite.  I do not have to take from others to get my share.

Today's question is:
"How full is your glass?"

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