
Monday, December 3, 2012

365QOD- Day667

"A lot easier..." - my thought

I believe that all of us have within us million dollar ideas.  We just need to execute them.

Often times these ideas and not executed because of the old excuse of not having money.  And at times the ideas need a large sum of money to get it to happen.

In recent years venture capitalists(VC) have invested in startups in order to provide money for the business to grow.  Well, getting a meeting with VCs is difficult and you have to know people to get anywhere.

The other day I read a story in USA Today about AngelList where people can get funding.  The story told of Deena Varshavskaya who got offers of 500k for her business idea.  Her business is a "Pinterest-like social media outlet where users create collections of products they like from online stores"

The point is that anyone, anywhere in the world, can get access to capital through this site.  Talk about scary.  It should scare us Americans into action to create a better idea and to be able to sell that idea.

Now there is one less excuse...

Today's question is:
"If you had access to infinite resources, what would you accomplish?"

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