“TWA should be TFWA”
– my observation
Long time ago I heard a quote that your
Thoughts lead to Words
Words lead to Actions
Actions lead to Habits
Habits become your destiny
So TWAHD is the way I always remembered it. While listening to the Power CD I concluded
that feelings are the main reason why the Thoughts and Words do not become
If your feelings about something are not strong enough to
move towards action then the feelings will win and you will not take the
action. Now the secret is to get those
feelings to align with your Thoughts and Words.
How? Well, by
spending time understanding why something is important to you and how important
it is to you vs. other things in your life.
If you want to move a mountain BUT you are fond of sitting in front of a
TV then the mountain will not get moved.
Today’s question is:
“How do you get your
feelings to align with your Thoughts and Words?”
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