"My gut feeling tells me to do X" - often heard expression
Recently I read an article that talked about the difference between analytical and intuitive decision making. One is based on facts and other is based on feelings.
A lot of people make decisions intuitively. They can sense what they believe is the right thing to do it and just want to get to the doing stage quickly. The problem with this approach is that often opinions are based on a single past experience.
Other people need a lot of facts and figures. They live to analyze these until they feel 100 percent that they know what the right answer is to the problem. The problem is that you can never get to complete certainty.
In my opinion a blend is the best way to make decisions. It is the 80/20 rule again. I think that once you have 80% knowledge of the facts and figures you have spent enough time analyzing and should stop. Now take a look at the numbers and ask yourself do you feel(20%) that what the numbers are telling you is the right thing to do.
If the answer is yes then pull the trigger and go for it. If you still feel discomfort then search for more data or another approach to solving the problem.
Todays question is:
"Do you know or feel your decisions are correct?"
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