
Sunday, April 21, 2013

365QOD- Day806

" So the Muse( daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne) whispered in Beethoven's ear. Maybe she hummed a few dah-dah-dah-DUM bars into a million other ears.  But no one else heard her.  Only Beethoven got it." - my paraphrase of War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Many of times I have said that when God gives us an idea he takes out an insurance against us by giving it to many others.  God does not care who executes the idea but that the idea gets executed.

The quote above is another way of saying the same. I love his version.

I spent the day reading this book and thinking about the concept of Resistance.  Maybe we do not hear the sounds because we are resisting.  We have to be open to hearing God's voice and see his fingerprints in our lives.

The resistance leads us to live two lives. As Steven says, " The life that we live, and the unlived life within us.  Between the two stands Resistance"

Todays question is:
" Are you hearing the dah-dah-dah-DUM bars or are you Resisting?"

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