
Thursday, April 25, 2013

365QOD- Day810

"Accountability buddy" - new idea to me

I recently ran across this label in a couple of places.  This morning while getting rid of some old articles and looking for a source of inspiration for a post I ran into it again.

The Psychology article offered a suggestion by Stephanie Sarkis titled To Do 2.0
" Every morning, a friend and I text each other a list of tasks we need to get done that day.  As e accomplish each task, we text to check in"

I immediately started thinking through my friend Rolodex in my mind as to who can be my accountability text buddy.  Maybe try different people got a week?  Maybe text each other the 1-3-5 daily list I wrote about in an earlier post?

Today's question is:
"Who is your accountability buddy? "

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