
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

365QOD- Day816

" But how?" - my former belief

Many years ago I sat at the end of the year on a beach in Florida writing out my goals for next year.  One of the goals was how much I was going to make next year.  This happened every year for three years I a row.

Looking back on those the years I made exactly what I wrote down.  Did I do anything special?
I am ashamed to say that I can not remember specifically what I did to earn the extra but I did earn it.

Today I was listening to an audio book in which Brian Tracy described the same technique.  He also said that he did not directly attribute it to anything the person does directly.

He recommended that each day we should write out our ten goals on a new page and ask ourselves what one action we could take towards the most important goal.

Today's question is:
" What ten goals would change your life completely if they came true this year?"

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