
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

365QOD- Day1311

Change Your Story

"You either choose your story or someone else does it for you."- My belief

Recently I heard a story about a your guy trying to sell bookmarks.  Selling of the bookmarks was done as a part of a Junior Achievement project.  

Just like girl scouts selling cookies he tried selling them one on one.  He would approach people and ask them if they were interested in buying a bookmark.  Some people bought and others did not.

Then it dawned on him that he needed to change his story.  He decided to go to businesses and offer a young entrepreneur trying to earn money for college story.  The owners bought the story and allowed him to place his bookmarks with the story in their stores.  The result was incredible and he ended up breaking all kinds of Junior Achievement records for sales.  

I love the story because it teaches how just changing the story and audience can get us much better results.  We can not be afraid to make the change to see if we can get an improved result.

Today's question is:
"Do you force yourself to change your story or do you wait for others to change it for you?"

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