
Sunday, September 28, 2014

365QOD- Day1329

Two Out of Three

"In life we always have a choice to make.  It is between work, friends, and family.  You can have two out of three but not three out of three"- a paraphrase of Kevin Koput statement on Eventual Millionaire

I believe that most of our lives are spent out of balance.  The way you can visualize it is as a wheel with several spikes.  If most of them are about equal then the wheel rolls smoothly down the road.  But if one gets out of whack then the wheel goes WHACK WHACK WHACK

So this quote is wisdom.  It makes us realize that often the imbalance is due to choosing two out of three instead of all three- because we can not have all three.  Or can we?

If you chose work and friends then your family suffers.
If you chose Work and family then you lose your friends over time.
If you chose friends and family then you do not succeed at work.

I believe that Kevin is right and he is wrong.  It is our American mindset that fools us into believing that we must choose.  We are driven and do not understand that the balance is the key.  Maybe getting less of each moves you ahead instead of maximizing two out of the three.

That is my belief.

Today;s question is:
"How do you chose what is important without disturbing your balance?"

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