
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

365QOD- Day1317

How do you make coffee?

"Step 1 is..."- a procedure

I have a definite way of making coffee in the morning.  My approach has detailed in a post written many months ago.  It is pretty elaborate.

So why write an article about how do you make coffee?  

The other I watched a short video of a guy who has perfected in his mind the perfect machine for making coffee.  I thought how I made coffee was elaborate.  I was wrong.

He not only created a machine but details the steps needed to make the coffee to the point of it being a job.  So to me there is a fine line between elaborate and an obsession.  

The funny part of the story is that I can see his machine and see that even though he is obsessed by the art of making coffee his device is no better than any store bought machine.  He uses filters that he places in water before using them to remove the pulp.  But he still uses filters and the natural oils get captured in the paper.

Today's question is:
"How do you differentiate between a very strong passion and an obsession?"

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