
Thursday, September 18, 2014

365QOD- Day1319

Copying Others

"Replicating what other people have done can make you miserable."- A belief

I believe that we can learn great things by studying others.  But we should not copy them.  Copying might be a compliment to the person you are copying but it does not speak well of your creativity.

Don't get me wrong.  We should study success in others and ask ourselves how applicable it is to us.  We need to understand their success and more importantly understand their mindset.

Recently I listened to a podcast in which a successful entrepreneur said that he reads a biography/autobiography every tow weeks.  While he is reading it he tries to put himself into the mindset of the person.  

He even adopts some of the physical habits the person has.  For example, when he studied Buffett he drank a cherry coke at 10:30 and 2:30 each day.  Why?  Because Buffett does that every day.  After he is done studying the person he is able to recall the mindset in the future and gets rid of the physical habits.  

This is interesting to me because I also agree that it is important to study others but I believe that we should try to improve upon what we see others do.  Once I understand a method that someone is using I should be able to ask myself many questions about how to improve upon it.  This extra effort makes it my own.  It might have the other person's method as a subset but the new method will be my own.

Today's question is:
"How do you differentiate between copying and improving upon and idea?"

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