"So what do you want?...(after a pause) I want to be rich."-a conversation
Most people do not have a plan on how to accomplish a desired goal. So after a while they just give up on their goals.
Several years ago I listened to a Brian Tracy audio book in which he described a brilliant idea on how to accomplish any goal. I would like to share my understanding of it and my addition to it in the next six posts.
The technique is called GOSPA. I have added an L and I call it GOSPAL.
The technique starts by identifying a clear Goal. This gives us the letter G.
So what makes a good goal? In my opinion it has to be very precise. For example, saying that I want to write a book is not specific enough. Saying that I want to write a self-help book to help people succeed on the topic of how to use current results to achieve your ultimate goal. Now we are talking specific.
In many books that I have read on goal setting it seems that one needs to clearly define a time frame. In our example let us choose three months. And the way I will know that I have accomplished my goal is if I can go to Amazon and look up my book under my name.
Putting it together becomes our goal statement:
I (WHO) want to
1. write a self-help book (WHAT) to help people succeed(WHY)
2. on the topic of how to use current results to achieve your ultimate goal (HOW)
3. within three months (WHEN)
4. I will verify that my goal has been achieved by looking it up on Amazon.(WHERE)
Today's question is:
"What is a goal that you want to work through during the next six days?"
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