"That which gets measured gets improved"-proverb
Recently I have been improving my running. Because of my bad knees I am trying to improve even though I only run twice a week. During the week I do one 4:30 a.m. speed run(2.2 mi) and on the weekend I do my long run(anywhere from 5k-10mi so far).
Every time I run I record the result in my little book. I can go back to last year's runs and see the progress I have made during the year or so I have gone back to running.
There is a move afoot to measure a lot of things in one's life. The movement goes under the heading Quantified self. Great resources can be found at
The reference book is by Gordon Bell who tried to capture as much of his life in digital form. (I have read many articles about him but have not had the time to read this book yet). Pretty impressive!
While reading Forbes April 25,2011 issue one of the items that caught my eye is the website
The neat part of the website is that it will pings(text) you three times a day to fill out surveys on your mood.
A while back in a post I recommended taht you gve your day a happiness rating from 1(not so good) to 10(the best). I have noticed that most of my days are average and I need to look for happiness inducers in order to raise the level. There is nothing wrong with that unless it is harmful to one. My biggest hapiness inducer is to do something creative..pretty harmless.
Today's question is:
"Would you be more likely to improve your happiness if you monitor it?"
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