"We don't need a stupedvisor. We need another pair of hands"- an hourly guy expressing frustration
Recently I read an INC. magazine article by Jason Fried from signals. The title of the article was No layers of management
I am amazed at his thinking. In the article he mentions an employee who was great employee who wanted more responsibility and a title. The company decided that leadership in groups is rotational and that the employee needs to move on to a different role outside of the company in order to be fulfilled.
Most companies would have created a new role for a star member. Not 37 signals.
Most companies take their best employees and make them managers. By taking them out of their natural environment they typically lose a great employee and gain an OK manager.
Recently I interviewed with a company for a position in which there were four project managers handling 250 jobs. Amazing. The manager was really a team member. He was so overworked that he confided in me that he had only taken a week of vacation last year. So he was really a manager in title only. His job was the same as others except he had more responsibilities.
Today's question is:
"Can your team function without a defined leader?"
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