
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


"Design is the principal difference between love and hate"-Tom Peters

In previous post I mentioned my idea for a group collaboration that is similar to the Wikipedia website idea(getting many contributors to contribute a small amount that will produce a great result which is impossible to be done by an individual).

Another idea that I have been reading a lot about is Khan Academy.  Khan creates videos for his viewers on a number of topics.  He started in 2009.  He has gathered a loyal and famous following i.e Bill Gates.

I bought my first Toshiba Tablet PC back in 2007 and almost immediately started producing videos for math courses, MBA, and business courses.  These videos initially covered homework help but eventually I started recording lectures also.  I have found this the only way to teach online technology courses. 

Nowadays I am blending on ground with online environments.  I typically teach four hour courses.  During the first 1-2 hours I work out problems similar to the homework.  This could be as many as 50 different problems.  While solving these problems I record a video of me doing so.  During the second half of the class I set the computer to produce the video and lastly upload the video to my website.  Now the student can replay the video and fill in the gaps of what they missed live. 

Imagine having a recording of a subject you are learning that is recorded and can be re-played later. 

So my problem was not with coming up with brilliant ideas BUT in executing hem.

Today's question is:
"How do you know when it is too late to execute a great idea?"

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