"So you got your BIG goal, and the smaller objectives that you have to hit to get to the end... So what is next?"
In yesterday's post I identified these objectives in order to reach my goal
1. Create an outline
2. Add more detail to each point until each point is a page
3. Write chapters in one sitting or two in order to maintain flow
4. Print chapters, read out loud, and edit book
5. Give to friends to read
6. Edit original with comments
7. Do a final edit
8. Contact Amazon and determine rules
9 Get ISBN
10. Get copyright
11. Create cover
12. Create ebook format
13. Upload to Amazon
The third piece in GOSPAL is S for Strategy. Now I need to determine several different ways of accomplishing each objective.
For example, creating an outline, O1, can be done by (Note S1 is strategy to accomplish objective 1):
S1.1 using the word processor on my cell phone when out an about
S1.2 write it out by hand
S1.3 after each entry add more details
Suppose after brainstorming I only came up with these three different ways. That would be fine. Notice that maybe the best strategy for accomplishing O1 would be to combination of S1.1 and S1.3.
Today's question is:
"Can you identify several strategies that could be used to accomplish each of your objectives?"
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