
Tuesday, March 6, 2012


"... and then it all went to hell.."- a frustrated person

I noticed a pattern the other day.  After my two half-marathon races I took a week off followed by a 3 mi weekend run, 7 mile weekend run, and a 10 mi weekend run.   Man the 3 mi seemed more difficult than the 13.1 half marathon. 

This morning while driving to work I was listening to an audio book- Blink by Malcolm Gladwell.  I love his work BUT I had a hard time focusing on it.  Hum...

In the past I used to listen to audio books instead of the radio.  BUT for the last couple of months I have let myself slip.  So what happened?  Now I have a hard time focusing on the book while driving.

It seems to me that we can quickly build up our endurance in both mental and physical arenas BUT we can also even more quickly lose the endurance.  The answer is to never stop or take smaller rests between events.

Today's question is:
"How do you not lose your endurance?"

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