
Friday, March 23, 2012


"From time to time, it helps to ask yourself if what you're doing is 'hard' or if you're something now that you wouldn't or couldn't do last month, or last year.  If the answer is no, you probably nee to turn it up a notch (or two)."- Men's Health March 2012 issue

I went to the library today and picked up five magazines.  My new library has a limit of five magazines.  When I got home I went through the five magazines and picked out the stories that I wanted to read and bent the corner of the page.

One of the articles I immediately started reading was on re-programing your metabolism.  Being a middle age guy I am aware that my body does not burn food like it did in my twenties.

To compensate for this lower metabolism I run.  Well, to be honest, even with running I am starting to put on a little weight. 

This paragraph hit me over the head like a brick.  Maybe I am fulling myself.  So what that I ran 10 miles two weeks ago.  I have been out of town and have not run since.  Once a week distance running is OK but not enough to get my metabolism to compensate for the sugar abuse I put it through during the week- jelly beans anyone?

I have concluded that I have stopped stretching.  So I either need to increase my running by adding a second or third run during the week OR by increasing the distance.  I think increasing the number of runs is the answer.  Need to do something to get out of the plateau.

Today's question is:
"How do you know you are at a plateau?"

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