
Monday, March 26, 2012


"...He(Alex Michalos) argues that people establish a perceived satisfaction based upon comparing three gaps:
1. What you have vs. what you want
    (I want a beautiful green grass)
2. What you have vs. what you think other people have
    (The neighbor's grass is greener)
3. What you have vs. the best experience of what you've had in the past
    (I don't like AtroTurf. I miss my old grass)
Chip adds...
4. What you have vs. what you feel you deserve
    (I have been working my tail off for this grass)"- Chip Conely

Note that I modified the paragraph above slightly to put it in the form I need.

You can almost see this as an equation:
PerceivedSatisfaction= a*(What you have/what you want)
                                     +b*(What you have/What you think other people have)
                                     +c*(What you have/The best experience of what you've had in the past)
                                     +d*(What you have/What you feel you deserve)

I believe that the four gaps do not carry an equal weight.  Some multipliers(a,b,c, and d could add up to 100 with the terms being at most a ratio of 1) could be used but that is of slight importance to you.  I do think that having a laminated index card that you carry around to remind yourself when in the midst of a situation would be helpful.

Today's question is:
"What is your perceived satisfaction score at this moment?"

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