"It does not matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to to stop asking the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life- daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and right conduct."- Viktor Frankl
Chip Conley mention that in a classic play the Death of Ivan Ilyich Tolstoy writes of a man who learn that he will shortly die and is confronted with the fact that he's wasted life. That last minute insight provides him with a sense of inspiration to become a new person in the short time that he is allotted.
I wonder how many people reach the end and wonder the same. How many are truly happy at the end?
Since we do not know our end date, we can always begin today. We can examine our life up to this point and answer the simple question whether we are pleased with our life up to this point. The honest answer will allow us to decide the path ahead.
For me if the end came today, I would say that I am happy with many things I have accomplished BUT unhappy with my current state. I can be more and accomplish more. Some of my relationships are terrible. Others are healthy. My relationship with me is OK.
Today's question is:
"Are you happy with your life up to this point?"
Chip Conley mention that in a classic play the Death of Ivan Ilyich Tolstoy writes of a man who learn that he will shortly die and is confronted with the fact that he's wasted life. That last minute insight provides him with a sense of inspiration to become a new person in the short time that he is allotted.
I wonder how many people reach the end and wonder the same. How many are truly happy at the end?
Since we do not know our end date, we can always begin today. We can examine our life up to this point and answer the simple question whether we are pleased with our life up to this point. The honest answer will allow us to decide the path ahead.
For me if the end came today, I would say that I am happy with many things I have accomplished BUT unhappy with my current state. I can be more and accomplish more. Some of my relationships are terrible. Others are healthy. My relationship with me is OK.
Today's question is:
"Are you happy with your life up to this point?"
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