
Thursday, March 8, 2012


"KISS- Keep It Simple Sweetheart"- one of my favorite sayings

I happen to glance at Fast Company magazine today.  In it there was an article that was written about The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.  It was a very short article with lots of pictures.

One of the paragraphs talked about Starbucks:
"As Starbucks planned its growth strategy in the 90s, managers realized that employees regularly cracked under pressure. (Tears were common.)  Starbucks implemented institutional habits for baristas, called the LATTE method: listen, acknowledge, take action, thank the customer, and explain why the problem occurred. Customer (and employee) satisfaction skyrocketed."


In terms of personal improvement, developing habits that support your long term mission are critical.  If you can take those habits and create a single word to remind yourself of what you need to do in different situations, you will handle the situation with ease- habit.  In my opinion we can have many words BUT we need to start with a single one. 

Today's question is:
"What is you habit word?"

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