
Monday, June 4, 2012


"That is creating" - my response

I watched a story on NBC evening news last night about Sam Klein.  He is a 11 year old CEO.  Started a company when he was 6.

Most kids that age start a lemonade stand.  What a bad idea.  The costs and time exceed the profits.

Sam started a business where he collects old cartridges from business and trash and re-cycles them.  How much does he make?  In the segment he showed a UPS box and said 100-200 dollars.

That is a lot of lemonade!  This is a kid that is thinking outside that box that other kids put themselves in.  Good for him.  He created a job for himself that he can do even when he is in college.

Today's question is:
'How can you make additional money?" 

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