
Monday, June 25, 2012


“Never confuse motion with action.”- Ben Franklin

Next action idea from Ben is to Avoid Busywork.  I tend to believe that most of our work these days falls into this category.  We seem to do and do and do BUT never feel like the work is meaningful. 

Work without meaning is just busy work.  Don't get me wrong, unless you have a large staff then it must be done.  BUT we have to limit it.

What is the right level?  Again, I fall back to the 80/20 rule.  If it gets to be above 80% of our time then we must re-evaluate what we are doing.  Since it is busy work it can wait till tomorrow.  So just stop...and continue with the busy work the next day.  The 20% that contribute to the 80% of the meaningful work must be placed within our day if the day will have meaning and improve our lives.

Today's question is:
"If your current task meaningful or busy work?"

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