
Tuesday, June 5, 2012


"I see the fingerprints of God all over this" - my thought

Sunday morning I decided to run 10 miles.  My normal path takes me through the downtown area of Galveston and back.  It was a very hot day in Texas but since I was running between 6:30 and 8:30 it was somewhat manageable.

Almost exactly halfway I came up to a man sitting on a bench.  It looked like he has just gotten off one of the cruise ships that docks a block away.  Next to him was a small bag.

As I approached him I said good morning and he asked me if he can ask me a question.  This started a conversation that lasted about 10 minutes. 

He recently lost his wife and decided to just get out of Florida.  By the looks of him he seemed depressed over loosing his wife.  I offered him the story I will tell over the next four posts.   It is a story about living to be 100 years old.

Twenty years I watched the show 20/20 on ABC and the story I saw was about research on what characteristics people hat lived over 100 shared. 

The first characteristic of people who live over 100  is that they do not follow a particular diet.  They tend to not overeat but they eat whatever they want. 

The research since then has shown four communities around the world where people tend to live longer.  One if in Japan, another one in Sardinia Italy, Chile, and California (Seventh Day community).  Their diets are very different but one thing that they have in common that families tend to eat meals together.

Today's question is:
"Do you follow a particular diet?"

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