
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


“Well done is better than well said.” - Benjamin Franklin

I recently read the article
14 Lessons From Benjamin Franklin About Getting What You Want In Life

from the website

I want to take each of the 14 points apart over the next couple of weeks.  In my opinion Ben is worth having his own label.   There is so much to be learned from studying his life.

From the article, the first of the 14 action-inducing lessons from him:  Less Talk, More Action

"Talk is cheap. Talking about a project won't get it completed. We all know people who constantly talk about the things they are going to do but rarely ever take that first step. Eventually people begin to question their credibility. Taking action and seeing the task through to completion is the only way to get the job done."

As I have mentioned before, I believe the 80/20 rule.  It comes up all of the time.  As a Project Manager, I believe that it is relevant in this case.  20% of your time should be spent communicating what you need to do and what is the status of your project.  You have to communicate but it can not be all about what you will do.  It must be preceeded and followed by action:
Communicate what you will do
Communicate what you did

Talk does not nudge the ball forward.  The only thing that nudges it forward is action. 

Today's question is:
"Do you want to talk about it or just do it?"

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