
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


"I got to blog about that" - a line from a McD commercial

There is a new commercial where two ladies, one young and white and another black and older, sitting next to each other at McDonald's.  The older lady asks what is that that you are eating.  The younger one says oatmeal with walnuts, blueberries, etc. 

The older lady says that in her days oatmeal was just oak and meal. Not this fancy stuff.
She then says that she has to blog about this.  A second later the young woman notices that the blog post goes viral. 

I love that commercial. 

To me the commercial brings up an important issue. What is worth talking about?  Or even better, what is worth writing a post?  I write on a lot of topics but it all boils down to my simple rule for me that is the QOD. 

Today's question is:
"Could you tell this as a story to someone, get them to learn something, pause to think about it, and inspire them to do something?"

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