
Sunday, July 8, 2012


"Life can only be understood backwards; BUT it must be lived forwards."- Soren Kierkegaard

I used to keep a daily journal in a little notebook until earlier this year.  Why did I stop?  I honestly do not know.  I thought when I got my new phone that I would be able to do it digitally.  So far I have been wrong. 

The biggest benefit of the journal is that I could go back in time and review my days and learn from them.  I can not remember them as well without the aid of the journal.  Being able to review them and understand them better prepared me to live them forward more wisely.

The wisdom of the last few months that I could have gotten has been lost forever.  I can not dwell on that.  I must simply start again.  August 1 is my new start day.

Today's question is:
"What great practice have you temporarily dropped?"

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