
Monday, July 23, 2012


"Pain of the pink slip is permanent"- Tori Johnson

I have a lot of schooling behind me.  That is good and bad. 

School teaches you structure and hopefully by the end you learn how to learn anything.  Unfortunately it also lulls people into believing that more and more education is the answer to life security.  This is why most graduates look for jobs after they are done with school.  They have heard it their whole life.. study hard, go to good schools, work for a great company, and you will retire well.

Unfortunately that security no longer exists.  Companies feel less loyal towards employees and over time all of us who call ourselves employee will be given the pink slip a few times.

Even though I work for a company I try to think more like an independent contractor.  I produce great results for my empoyer BUT I have to have a plan B, plan C, etc.

I have emphasized this to my own kids.  Create your own job or jobs and if you loose one then the transition is not so bad.  Create your own company and the pain disappears.

Today's question is:
"How do you handle the pain of the pink slip?"

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