"I am gritty" - my belief
I while back in a post I wrote about grit. The article defined it as:
"Grit - endurance in pursuit of long term goals and an ability to persist in the face of adversity, is a key part of what makes people successful"
One of the reasons for writing this blog is to teach myself to continue upon a path. As you might have noticed I have religiously written a post each day. I might slip a day or two but I catch up and make up for it. In other words, writing the blog posts if a long term goal.
I might temporarily get diverted BUT I will overcome that temporary lack of focus and return to the path. It is my goal to be able to say that I am a finisher. Whatever that I deem important that I start I must finish.
It is interesting that in the article it mentioned that the best predictor of whether a West Point cadet finishes the academy is the statement: I finish whatever I begin. It predicted success better than other parameters such as class rank or GPA.
A great example of grit is the following:
"...An ungritty prison inmate will mount a daring new escape every month, but a gritty person inmate will tunnel his way out one spoonful of concrete at a time."
Today's question is:
"What kind of prison escapee would you be?"
I while back in a post I wrote about grit. The article defined it as:
"Grit - endurance in pursuit of long term goals and an ability to persist in the face of adversity, is a key part of what makes people successful"
One of the reasons for writing this blog is to teach myself to continue upon a path. As you might have noticed I have religiously written a post each day. I might slip a day or two but I catch up and make up for it. In other words, writing the blog posts if a long term goal.
I might temporarily get diverted BUT I will overcome that temporary lack of focus and return to the path. It is my goal to be able to say that I am a finisher. Whatever that I deem important that I start I must finish.
It is interesting that in the article it mentioned that the best predictor of whether a West Point cadet finishes the academy is the statement: I finish whatever I begin. It predicted success better than other parameters such as class rank or GPA.
A great example of grit is the following:
"...An ungritty prison inmate will mount a daring new escape every month, but a gritty person inmate will tunnel his way out one spoonful of concrete at a time."
Today's question is:
"What kind of prison escapee would you be?"
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