
Wednesday, March 6, 2013


"Productivity per hour" - a measure

I watched an old 60 minute piece about how people are working extremely long hours.  It seems people are connected through laptops, email, voice mail, and cell phones to their job 24/7.  Some people are working 15 hours per day connected to their job.

The French people tend to take 5 weeks of vacation per year and tend to work 300 hours less than us Americans.  This statement made me wonder if we are busy or just crazy busy.  Just because someone is trying to earn the 80 hours per week badge, it does not mean they are more productive than someone working 40 hours per week.  It is quantity vs. quality of the time that matters.

The way one french writer explained it is that we Americans believe that the future will be better than the present and the French believe that the present will be better than the future.  This is a striking difference in mindset.

I know that when I come back from vacation I feel recharged and ready to make a difference.  Maybe I am unusual but I take my vacation and often combine it with my schedule to give myself time to read and introduce new ideas into my mind.  Ideas I would be too busy to work on while working a full week.

Today's question is:
"What is your productivity per hour?"

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